Sunday, September 5, 2010

Web 2.0

As a team, what do we need to communicate with the public and with each other?

Do we just create a newsletter, or maybe use Google Docs? Well, we probably need a web page but, should we just create a page as part of the Howard High School website, or should we have an independent presence. Should we get all glitzy with a page? Should we create a blog (Oh wait! I think we have)? Should we do a Facebook page? Twitter? a Wiki?

As I'm typing this, I guess what's becoming clear is that we need to know what we're trying to accomplish and then proceed accordingly. I've always jumped into things and then asked questions later.

Maybe it's time to get a little more proactive.

Take a moment to fill out the survey below.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's Time to Get it Started!!!

We had over 15 students show up for Howard High's FIRST Robotics Club meeting today. It was nicely split between our veterans (1 year experience), and our new team members. We even had 5 football players show up in uniform prior to them leaving early to hit the practice field. We do host Westside tomorrow night.

Now it's time to get busy and get some mentors to this party.

Stay tuned!!